Tag Archives: facebook

Ernie, Everett, a Kidney and a Rope.

I met Alton “Ernie” Armoogam when we were room mates during our first year at Nyack College. We roomed together most of our time there. We were a couple of years apart in age and from completely different backgrounds…completely. But it worked. We became great friends and to say that Ernie is one of those people who marked my life is to put it mildly. He definitely left his thumb print. At different points he served as big brother, pseudo father, partner in crime, trusted advisor…always looking out for my best interest. I learned a ton and had a great time.

As often happens we lost track of each other at some point, only to reconnect years later. I learned that he had been in a battle with kidney disease for some time…and that it was wearing him down. We had enough time to catch up and sincerely thank each other for those college years. And then he was gone. Ernie died in October 2009. Here is a brief article on Nyack’s website: Remembering Ernie Armoogam

Ernie was an absolute blast to hang out with! Someone was kind enough to compile this video as well. If you have difficulty viewing it, click: HERE

One thing Ernie was amazing at was connecting with people. He would always have someone new to introduce you to and he’d have some little known fact about them to share. In honor of that…

Meet Everett Arconti. We have many of the same friends. Everett, however, has the odd desire to rappel down a perfectly good building. Why? To raise money for The National Kidney Foundation of Maryland in an event called: Rappel For Kidney Health

Here’s the deal: The event is June 19th and we need to raise $1,000 for Everett to participate.

Here’s the pitch: Do you have any interest at all in helping raise money for this cause and sending Everett over the edge…literally?

Here’s the ask: Would you be willing to spread the word? ReTweet, post to Facebook, email a friend, whatever… The further and faster the word spreads the better the chances of making this happen.

I know times are tough. Trust me. I know. If you are financially able, would you consider donating to the cause? This is truly a case of no amount being too small.

We’ll keep you posted on progress and results. Worst case, the money goes to a great cause. Best case, the money goes to a great cause and we all get to take part in a little bit of insanity.

Questions or comments? Post one in the comment section here. If you wish it to remain private please indicate that and I will honor that request.

You can also reach out to Everett directly on Twitter: @earconti

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15 Minutes Starts…NOW

Big thanks to the team at Wordswell! I am honored to have a guest spot on this weeks Wordswell Blog.

If you aren’t familiar with them yet, I highly suggest you become familiar with them and do so quickly. Their Communiqué is something I really look forward to reading and what they are doing with brand development and social media is amazing and inspiring. Check them out. Connect with them. They’re everywhere.



my guest spot

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Filed under 2011

Follow Friday | Format | Idea

I tried something a little different today and received some positive feedback so I’m sharing…

If you’re a Twitter user then you’re already familiar with Follow Friday. If you aren’t a user yet, Follow Friday is a way to share with others the people and organizations you follow that are adding value to you. Maybe someone always makes you laugh. Maybe your favorite non-profit posts a picture of work they are doing and you enjoy it. Whatever. You follow them and you like following them and you want others to know. You’re sharing people you like with other people you like.

A common way to do this is several simple rapid fire Tweets. Something like this: “Follow Friday @person1 @thatkid @funnygirl @ohnohedidn’t @doyougetit” Put “Follow Friday” somewhere on the line and slap in as many Tweeps as you can to fill the 140 characters.

Today I had an idea. I wanted to promote some pals. I know these people and organizations. I care about them and their work on various levels. So today my Follow Friday Tweets looked like this:

Follow Friday | @brodybond @grittler @wordswell | they’re great guys doing great things. and they’re on tv! – http://bit.ly/r1Pm9

Follow Friday | @FallCampaign @bloodwater @bwbaltimore | Start a campaign. Build a well. Save a life.

Follow Friday | @TuckerPeterson @RonEdmondson @wiseacre | Each different. Each bring it to the Tweet stream with fervor. Follow and see.

Follow Friday | @erikwilliams @LIFE2010 | Two great things… Both life changers.

Follow Friday | @mattwertz | Because he gave me a free copy of his cd.

Follow Friday | @TangoWines @WhineyMike | anybody bringing 13 Argentinian wines to the U.S. deserves a follow!!

See the difference? I added a reason for people to check them out. This can encourage further conversation. Isn’t that kind of the point anyway? Conversation. Me telling you about them. You possibly talking with them or about them or with me regarding what I said about them…it’s all social. Kind of the point when it comes to “social media”, isn’t it?

It gets better. Since lots of platforms have ways to link your updates you could, if you set it up right, share these people across multiple platforms: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. More conversation.

Another beautiful thing? I’m not proposing a new rule. This isn’t about me telling anyone the “right” way. I had an idea. I tried it. A buddy said he like it and told me why. Conversation. Have you tried something recently? Tell us about it…

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Filed under 2011

LinkedIn + Twitter

LinkedIn + Twitter

Status updates on LinkedIn can now be connected with your Tweets. There are lots of ways for you to customize and control what is shared and when, but the initial “oh neat how did he do that?!” set up is quick and easy. I think this will have a fantastic impact professionally as people and businesses utilize this fluid sharing of information across platforms.

Get Connected:

The LinkedIn Learning Center has complete information: LinkedIn + Twitter

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Filed under 2011

Social Media | What works for you?

In January of this year I read an article on The Gray Matter Minute titled: The Perfect Social Media Trifecta: Have you found yours?

The writer discussed the way he utilizes the features and benefits of the following social media sites: Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. One aspect of social media that I find so energizing is that it can be fluid. You can change things at any time for any reason. Right now my trifecta is Twitter, LinkedIn, and a WordPress Blog (duh).


I use Twitter as a main source of my news. I follow news organizations and programs that I would normally view on TV. I find that I often catch content before it is even being reported as a big deal on TV. It’s also a fantastic way to spread information and keep in touch with people you have a real world friendship with. Twitter is fast, fun, and incredibly informative. Leveraging its power is a fantastic skill to develop.


The aspect of this that I truly enjoy is that it is 100% professional. There are ways to inject your individual personality, but the professional nature of this site keeps everything in line and in good taste. With a growing variety of applications I am finding this as a more and more valuable asset to me in business and even more so now as I am actively searching out my next career step.  An example of how useful these applications can be: I’ve added the Box.Net application to my profile and posted my resume in three formats for easy download (PDF, Word, and Text). So far it’s been downloaded five times in a matter of days. How do I know? I get an email anytime someone downloads it!

WordPress Blog (Connectivity):

Writing is a hobby for me. I enjoy putting together posts and articles on a variety of topics. The initial and general intent is for me to add professional value with a personal touch to whatever business I am in. When I was with Staples Advantage I found ways to keep customers informed on special programs, upcoming offers, and cost effective product offerings.  I also have over eleven years of professional experience to draw from in order to generate articles on a wide variety of professional and work related topics.

Closing Thoughts:

More recently I saw a lengthy but very interesting video interview with Greg Grunberg on Mashable. Greg is a celebrity who’s past credits include Alias and Felicity. He can currently be seen on Heroes and is behind the development of the iPhone app “Yowza”. One of the main points I pulled from the interview with him is that he simply isn’t afraid of social media. He encourages people to get in and take it for a test drive. Just try it out. You can always change settings, adjust things, whatever – so there is nothing to be afraid of. Greg is a huge Twitter user. If you’re interested in following him: @greggrunberg

In support of the “social” aspect of social media: What do you use and how do you use it?

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Filed under 2011

The Fall Campaign

Blood:Water Mission and Young Life have a fantastic event going on right now!!! By going to TheFallCampaign you and your friends can start your own, customized campaign to raise funds and awareness for what Blood:Water Mission is doing in Africa! Funds from The Fall Campaign will benefit people in Marsabit, Africa specifically.

By Starting A Campaign you get your own micro-site. Put up posts, photos, videos…anything you want to tell other people what you are doing and why. Follow @FallCampaign on Twitter. Become a Fan of TheFallCampaign page on Facebook. Connect, engage, raise funds…build wells and save lives!

Still wondering why? Here’s what Pat Goodman has to say about why he cares…

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Filed under 2011

Efficient Email

email iconI used to loathe Monday mornings. In addition to the fact that the weekend was over I knew that I was about to enter an email nightmare that I simply may never recover from! Between my work email account and my personal email account I knew I was going to be staring down a ton of emails…that all needed to be sorted through! I finally did something about it. (HUGE kudos to the crew over at Wordswell for their technical help and strategic advice!) Here are some of the things that made the biggest impact for me:

  1. Combine email accounts – Set one account to automatically forward to the other email account. Now you have one…ONE place to pull up your email!!
  2. Unsubscribe – All those “coupons” from retailers…unsubscribe, delete, and move on. Seriously, do you really access email to print up discounts and coupons? No. Connect with them on Facebook or Twitter if you must, but keep them out of your inbox!
  3. Use filters – Control whose emails hit your inbox, whose stay marked as unread but get dropped into a folder automatically, etc. There are tons of controls available so take advantage of them.
  4. new-rss-xml-feed-icon1The need for feed. – Services like FeedMyInbox will let you subscribe to any feed you want and drop new content in your email. Set up filters and folders to automatically keep things in place. Subscribe to lots of feeds? Consider a reader like Google Reader. This will keep all your subscriptions in one place and out of your inbox.
  5. Simplify folders – I used to create folders for everything. Folders with sub folders below sub folders. I found that I was rarely having to access anything but I was spending tons of time correctly sorting messages. Broad folder categories make filing much faster and search features help to ensure you won’t lose what you need.

** Be sure to adhere to all of your company’s internet and email policies. **

wordswell logoCould your company or executive leadership team benefit from technology and efficiency training? Interested in how to use technology to grow and expand your business? A conversation with Wordswell could be tremendously beneficial!

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Filed under 2011

A Little Bird Told Me

twitterI started using Twitter approximately six months ago. I simply wanted to have a place to talk up my professional and volunteer endeavors, while being able to engage in similar conversations with others. A few weeks ago I started using HootSuite to preload Tweets related to my business development work with Staples Advantage. 2 or 3 times a day, without me needing to remember it, a Tweet will hit my stream directly related to my profession. Have you ever done something because you thought it was a good idea?

Over the weekend I received this reply:  “@KristerDunn How about I give you tons of rad office supplies. If you mention @Unitedimagingco instead! better prices/service than $taples.”

In all honesty I have no way of knowing if United Imaging realized I am in business development for Staples. In any event, I felt a response in order:  “Thanks for the offer, @UnitedImagingCo, but as business development FOR #Staples, the pro #Staples Tweets shall roll on…”

So what? Let’s circle back to the original question:  Have you ever done something because you thought it was a good idea? In my professional opinion, when a competitor notices what you are doing, that proves your good idea was in fact… good.

wordswell logoAre you leveraging the internet for the things that are important to you? It’s not just about research and information gathering anymore. Social media of all kinds (Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook, various blogs and blogging services, YouTube, etc…) can be a great place to start. Is your company leveraging the internet to engage current customers and gain future customers by spreading the right information at the right times to the right people? If not, or if you aren’t sure, let me know. I’d be glad to set up a conversation for you with the team at wordswell. If you think that was a plug…

s0105150_sc7Interested in decreasing supply line expenses and increasing efficiency? I’d appreciate the opportunity to meet with you as well. Staples Advantage and I may be able to help you do exactly that.

Beyond all this…express yourself… After all, If you don’t tell your story, who will?

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Filed under 2009

The Milton Report – Electric Delivery and an Easy Button

miltonDid you know that you can “Become a Fan” of the Staples page on Facebook? Well you can. Today I noticed two interesting pieces. This information is taken directly from their page

Meet our first all-electric delivery truck. We’re making a difference one delivery at a time.

Tell us – how do you go green in your office?
1. Double-sided printing, baby!
2. It’s cool to carpool.
3. Who needs heat?

Easy Button Fun facts

  • We sold our first button in 2005. To date, there’s a whopping 3.5 million in offices and homes across the globe. Now that’s a whole lotta easy.
  • The button gives back. Every year, we donate all proceeds of the Easy Button, up to $1 million, to Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
  • The Easy Button currently speaks four languages – English, Spanish, French and German. Si, Fräulein, take your pick.


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“…when the stars fall from the sky…”

sawanI was spending some time the other night keeping up with friends via Facebook when I noticed this status posted by a very dear friend:

“I’ll see you again when the stars fall from the sky and the moon has turned red over one tree hill.” The world was a better place – and so many lives richer, my life richer – because of you. Till we meet again on a most majestic river, Goodbye, Sawan.

Several things hit me at one time. “I know those lyrics. This is not good. Something terrible has happened.” The words: was – because of you – meet again – goodbye…they all leapt off the page.

The powerful lyrics come from the song “One Tree Hill” by U2. Bono wrote the song after a close friend and assistant of his died in an accident while transporting the singers motorcycle. In the midst of a normal day, a life ended and so many were changed.

I messaged my friend and found out that Sawan Nail passed away while taking a nap, resting after not feeling well and running a low grade fever for a few days. I never met Sawan. I met some of his extended family at a party a number of years ago, that’s it. But I know my friend well. I know that my friend does not use words like that lightly.

When I began writing Connectivity my intent was to find ways to connect people with other people…and to connect people with opportunities. This is an chance to do both. Sawan’s family is in need of support: emotional and financial. To read more about the life of this amazing person and to offer any kind of support you can, please visit: Sawan Nail

This could be any one of us. Anyone we care about. Let’s live out loud. Let’s connect in some way now so that we can rejoice “when the stars fall from the sky.”

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Filed under 2009